I often get asked where I got the name Sycraft, as it's uncommon and not from any literature or anything like that. Well, back in 1996 when I first got on the Internet, one of the first things I wanted to do was play on a MUD called Realms of Despair. One of the requirements for this MUD was that you have a medieval sounding name for your character. Well, I didn't know what to use so my friend who introduced me to the game got a random name generator for this kind of thing. It asked for a letter to start with, I keyed in S and it spit out Sycraft.
Of course, MUDs aren't the only thing on the Internet that use pseudonyms, and I'm not very creative with names, so I used it when I got on IRC, when I played Quake, when I started a website and so on. It's what I've become known by on the web and I stick with it since I find it confusing when people change their online identities all the time.
There actually is one other Sycraft that I've come across, and that it Sycraft Software. They have owned sycraft.com on and off for about 10 years now. I don't know what they do, as their web page has always been in its current "under construction" state. I'm also not sure where they got their name, it is possible it was form me since they didn't come around until 1999 or so and I had owned sycraft.org for some time before that and been on the Internet as Sycraft since 1996. Be that as it may, they are the only other Sycraft I've ever seen. Sycraft.net also exists, but belongs to me as well for my internal network.