
Seems to be a grand website tradition to provide a page of links to other sites so why not this one too? These are some of my other projects, sites that relate to me, or just things I find interesting. They are updated on a rigorous schedule of "whenever the hell I feel like it". If a link is broken, let me know.
IHA is a site that I own and administer. Despite the name, it's not actually an anti-Mac site anymore, more of an anti-advocacy site. I hang out in the forums there all the time.

The Mayday Mystery
A site run by a good friend of mine. It's got his personal page on it, mainly of interest if you know him, but also something much stranger. Some nut ball in Tucson has been doing something called the Mayday Mystery for years. He takes out huge full-page ads in the school paper that are some kind of giant cryptogram. No one really has any idea why. Well my friend got obsessed with cracking this and started up a site about it.
Another friend's site. If you need some contract PERL programming done, get in touch with him, he lays the down the PERL-fu. Also acts as IHA's secondary DNS server.

Pair Networks
As I mentioned, Pair is where I host If you are looking for good hosting, talk to these guys. While they aren't as cheap as a budget place, their service and reliability is much better. I've been using them for a couple years now and I'm real happy with them.

Audio Stuff
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